Chapter 7


n    Effective people have a clear idea of where they are going and how to get there.

n    A value driven set of actions that stem from within the person and that the person is committed to.

n    Most people need to discover what this is for them---a Vision Quest.

The Vision Quest

n    A search for your direction in life (destiny?) a sense of what you are moving towards in life and allies that may help you along your path.

n    The authors suggest an alternative term, a wishing quest.

n    Wishstorming brainstorming about what you would wish for if you had unlimited wishes

How to Wishstorm

n     Be specific in what you imagine, i.e. the make, model, color, upholstery etc. of your car, not just a new car.

n     What would you do if you had six days to live? What activities would you seek out, where would you like to visit, who would you go and see, what would you say?  How would your strategy change if you had six months instead?

Ground Hog Day

n    What would you do if you were immortal and could live forever?

n    The goal of these exercises is a sense of clarity understanding your goals and what the real purpose behind those goals might be.

n    What will this goal get for me? What needs are really being met?

Six Steps for Securing Goals

n    State the goal in positive terms in a way you can achieve yourself, regardless of others.

n    Be sure you know when you have been successful.

n    Describe your goals as specifically as possible.


n    Be sure your goals are compatible with each other.

n    Conflicts:

n   Approach-Approach

n   Avoidance-Avoidance

n   Approach-Avoidance

n   Double Approach-Avoidance


n    Assess what you already have and what you are going to need to reach your goals.

n    Make a Plan.


n    1. Establish short term goals.

n    2. Reward yourself with something concrete when you attain a short term goal.

n    3. Establish your own standard for success.

n    4. Realistically appraise your abilities and form goals based on strengths.


n    Our earliest memories are in images, not in words.  We can communicate with our unconscious by using imagery, as that is the language of the unconscious.

n    Visualizations can alter your emotions, behavior and even physiology.

Sports Performance

n    Richardson (1969) tested three groups of boys in free throws.

n    1 practiced shooting, 1 group did nothing, 3rd group visualized shooting and making free throws.

n    What do you think happened?


n    Group 1 improved 24%

n    Group 2 showed no change

n    Group 3 (visualization group) improved 23%



n     In another experiment a group of soldiers went on a march of 25 miles.  Various subgroups were told different information about how far they had marched.  Stress hormones were measured and demonstrated that they reflected how far the soldiers thought they had marched, not how far they had actually marched. Their bodies responded to imagined stress, not the actual distance they had marched.


n    Dr. Carl Simonton uses the creation of vivid mental imagery to fight diseases like cancer.

n    Visualization is a powerful technique to affect the body as well as the mind.

The Process of Visualization

n    Master voluntary relaxation skills.

n    Use positive imagery (Garbage in, garbage out)

n    Visualization is more than images.

n    We all use different representational systems for storing our experiences: auditory, visual, kinesthetic, gustatory, olfactory. Connect your dominant sense with a visual image related to it.


n    Use participant and observer imagery.

n    One involves the sensation of doing and actually stimulating the muscles, the other involves imaging yourself at a distance like watching yourself in a movie and can serve as more of a motivator.

Recommended sequence for visualization

n    Decide on your goal, the actions and attitudes you want to adopt.

n    Find a model who can do what you want to do.

n    Get into a comfortable position.

n    Make sure your environment is relatively quiet and distraction free.


n     Use a relaxation technique to establish a receptive mental state.

n     Begin to imagine or sense your model doing the the desired goal or behaviors.

n     Study the model and vividly sense and picture them in your imagination.

n     Substitute yourself for the model.  See yourself doing the desired goal and allow yourself to feel motivated.


n    Step into this image and see, hear, and feel what you would feel if you were doing the desired actions.

n    Practice 15 minutes per day and 2 to 3 times daily, if possible.


n    Be patient with the results. 


n    There is much literature documenting the benefits of meditaiton:

n    Pain relief

n    Lower blood pressure

n    Healing in general


n    The goal of meditation is the ability to maintain focused awareness in the present moment.

Mindful Meditation

n    Non-judging: suspend coming to conclusions about things and just observe their presence.

n    Patience

n    Beginners Mind: see things with fresh eyes, like a child.

n    Trust: trust your own internal sense.


n    Non-striving: do the technique but dont try to hard.

n    Acceptance: a willingness to see things as they are and act accordingly with minimum distortions.

n    Letting go

The Practice of Meditation

n    Focused Concentration

n    Mantra

n    Mindfulness basically being aware of your in the moment experiences