Psychology Courses

   Poems 2 

   Poems 3 

   Poems 4 






PSY 4930

Media and Body Image, Courtesy of D. Pearl

PSY 2012


CLP 3003


CYP 4953


CLP 4374


PPE 3003




CLP 1006


PSYC 209





ISS 1161





SLS 1510


SLS 1125


CLP 4374


Poems 1






Welcome Students and Other Visitors

My name is Robert Beneckson and this page lists the courses I have taught at Florida International University and now at Miami-Dade College.

They are: Introduction to Psychology, PSY 2020, Psychology of Personal Adjustment, CLP 3003, Theories of Personality, PPE 3003, Psychology of Love and Intimacy, PSY 4930, Psychotherapy, CLP 4374, and Community Psychology Senior Lab, CYP 4953. DEP 2000, Human Growth and Development, The Psychology of Personal Effectiveness, CLP 1006, The Individual In Society, ISS 1161, and PSY 2012, Introduction to Psychology, are courses I have taught at MDC.   In the Spring Term of 2012, I taught two sections of CLP 1006, The Psychology of Personal Effectiveness. Currently, I am teaching at FCC in Broward, and West Coast University in Miami.

Students can access the links pages for each course by clicking on the appropriate buttons to the left. This will take you to a page of links containing important course materials, such as the syllabus and study guides, etc.



I can be reached by email at Email me.

The buttons marked Poems 1, 2, 3, and 4 are links to some of my creative writings and have nothing directly to do with these courses. They are for any adventurous (or perhaps, bored) souls who like poetry and may care to read the scribblings of a psychology teacher. They have graphics with them, so give them time to download. If you are feeling truly brave, read the beginning of my novel, "The Farm" which I will update from time to time as I write more of it. Feel free to send me any comments you may have. (Like, "truly bites" or "greatest writing since Tolstoy.") Click here for "The Farm."



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